Pet Stores Billings Montana
There are a number of pet stores in Billings, MT. CatTamboo Pet Toys are available at some stores like Exotic Pets located on the corner of Grand Avenue and 24th street in Billings. Other pet stores Billings has include the major pet chain PetSmart located on King Avenue West. There is a pet store in the Heights, but they don’t carry CatTamboo pet toys. However, Exotic Pets is our favorite store anyway and they have CatTamboo toys for sale.
Pet Stores Billings West End
Here is a list of places that sell pet supplies in the Billings West End. Find your favorite pet supplies, pet toys, and pet products at pet stores Billings has on the West End.
Exotic Pets in Billings Montana

Exotic Pets is located at 2342 Grand Ave, Billings, MT. Their local phone number is (406) 656-6282. Out of all the pet stores Billings has to offer, this pet store is one of the best. They have cats, dogs, ferrets, rabbits, reptiles, fish, and birds. They have a wonderful, talented staff and a very strong knowledge of how to care for pets. CatTamboo Pet Toys are available at the Grand Avenue location. If you stop in there, say hello to the owner Melissa. They are all experts on pets and can help you with all your pet related needs.