USA made pet supplies are the best! When a pet product is made in the USA, it is more likely to be unique and higher quality that pet supplies that are produced in other countries. It is important for consumers to recognize that every time they purchase a foreign made pet product, they are casting a vote in support of what they are purchasing. It is an easy thing to do when an easy 4-8 dollars buys a cheap plastic toy, however, these toys do not last. But we live in an economy of supply and demand, so as long as consumers keep buying these crappy products, we will continue to build waste and continue to make it more difficult for better products to emerge into the market. Most consumers do not realize how difficult it is to “crack the egg” of the pet supply market. It is one of the most competitive online markets!
So this is a shout out to the consumer. Buy USA made pet supplies. We are dedicated to selling usa made pet supplies, however, it might be difficult for consumers to find one location to get all the best usa made pet supplies available on the market. When the consumer searches usa made pet supplies, they get some options but most of these companies are still big hitters that represent that “egg” that is difficult to crack. So if you are a consumer that is looking for unique pet products that are made in the USA, you might need to “dig a little deeper” in order to find the local USA companies and small businesses that are producing the newest technologies in pet toys, dog foods, pet bedding, etc.
Cats gone wild … cats are meant to be wild, but indoor cats don’t have that opportunity. Cats are the kind of pets that would wanna lay around and be lazy all day. And when you start really missing them, you want to spend some quality time with them. CatTamboo pet toys are a great way to spend time with you cat and allow them to be wild when indoors. They will love playing with you and they will play all day until they are worn out. CatTamboo™ pet toys sound like real live birds flapping their wings. So your kitty cat can hunt but not kill. Cats have the instinct to kill. Now instead of having your cat kill pore baby birds outside your house, they will play all day with something that is fun for everyone!
by Hailie Newman
The wild nature of Domestic House cats
Deep within every domestic cat exists an inner lion just waiting to be released. This instinct is as natural to a domestic cat as human instincts are to humans. Cats are hunters by natural design. The origins of domestic cats all trace back to wild cats. One such ancestor is the Eastern wildcat which lives in the desert lands of the Middle East.
The first human pets were wildcats. This dated back like ten thousand years when settlers first began inhabiting new lands.
Wild cats are genetically diverse and this lead to many different species. Their genetics allowed them to domesticate naturally. With time, they got more accustom to human interaction and the breed evolved from there. So cats never escape their wild cat lineage. They will always be blended with a little bit of a wild side, and that is part of what we love about them. Our cat Padme was a Tabby, but get to know her and you’d see a wild panther. Our other cat Pippin kills bunnies and eats them. Pippin is the sweetest cat in the world, but he eats bunny rabbits raw, and I’m not talking about just eating some of the bunny. In fact, he eats 4 or 5 bunnies a year, generally focusing on the legs and back. He always has his house food, but by nature, Pippin is wild and likes to hunt, kill, and eat raw meat.
Human impact of the wild nature of Domestic Cats
Humans greatly impact the nature of domestic cats gone wild. Humans tend to lock cats indoors, declaw them, and keep them away from killing birds and bunnies. In fact, cat lease laws are now mandatory in many states and cities throughout the US.
There are a number of pet stores in Billings, MT. CatTamboo Pet Toys are available at some stores like Exotic Pets located on the corner of Grand Avenue and 24th street in Billings. Other pet stores Billings has include the major pet chain PetSmart located on King Avenue West. There is a pet store in the Heights, but they don’t carry CatTamboo pet toys. However, Exotic Pets is our favorite store anyway and they have CatTamboo toys for sale.
Pet Stores Billings West End
Here is a list of places that sell pet supplies in the Billings West End. Find your favorite pet supplies, pet toys, and pet products at pet stores Billings has on the West End.
Exotic Pets is located at 2342 Grand Ave, Billings, MT. Their local phone number is (406) 656-6282. Out of all the pet stores Billings has to offer, this pet store is one of the best. They have cats, dogs, ferrets, rabbits, reptiles, fish, and birds. They have a wonderful, talented staff and a very strong knowledge of how to care for pets. CatTamboo Pet Toys are available at the Grand Avenue location. If you stop in there, say hello to the owner Melissa. They are all experts on pets and can help you with all your pet related needs.
Cats are unique creatures! Here are some interesting ideas and facts about cats that we have crafted for your entertainment. Our goal is to give readers an educated opinion about cats that comes from pet industry professionals who own and love cats.
Despite what many believe, cats do see color. Their eyes have two rods that make them sensitive to Blue and Yellow Green! This is exciting information if you are choosing a cat toy color. Research at CatTamboo has revealed to us that the color Aqua (click aqua to see our product sample) is particularly visible to cats. Aqua is also our most popular color for CatTamboo™ interactive cat toys. Green is also available at special request.
Most people may not know it, but blue light penetrates the deepest into water. Like water, a cats eye is deep and uses low light in the same way. Cats can see with one sixth the light that we require to see!
Cat Behavior – from the CatTamboo Lab
16 pound test cat named Hobbes loves his CatTamboo!
At CatTamboo, we perform regular behavior test and observations with cats and our range of cat toys. We try to reach a wide range of domesticated cat’s and even some wild cats. Wikipedia’s definition fails to mention how domestic cats and wild cats are fundamentally similar. Both wild and domestic cats have an innate hunting instinct as a basic and fundamental characteristic. The difference is that domestic cats can have social and behavioral problems. Within feline psychology are the trails of being raised in human households. We have observed how many felines have lost connection with their hunting instincts. We have learned through our trials that by re-engaging those instincts, some of the behavior disorders can change rapidly as if a trigger is switched within the suffering cat. We have learned that by captivating all 5 senses of a bird or insect and bringing it into the house and relationship between house cats and owners, you can effectively reconnect most felines with their innate hunting instinct that is fundamentally important to a cats psychological and sociological well being.
Cats have active imaginations. This may seem trivial because cats are so playful, but it is an important fact because the flip side of imagination (especially when lacking stimulation) is boredom.
Our customers like to engage their pets often and keep life fun for their fury friends. Their testimonials are profound in our understanding of people and their pets. Our most common testimonials say: (1) my cat doesn’t want to play with the other toys – he wants his CatTamboo; (2) where do you hide your toy? -my cat finds it on the highest shelves! (3) What do you put on your toys that makes my cat so crazy for them? You forgot to tell us that CatTamboo pet toys are addictive!
The addictive nature of CatTamboo™ pet toys:
We believe the addictive nature a CatTamboo™ cat toys results a combination of factors.
Cats have active imaginations that help them easily imagine our interactive pet toys as real prey – even to the point of fooling cats to believe it is absolutely real!
Socially, cats love their people and want to share their lives with them! Hunting is typically a solitary activity and with CatTamboo™ cat toys, your cat(s) can share their talents with you! All cats love to show off their moves: stalking, pouncing, swatting, jumping, scratching, speed, agility, cunning, and accuracy! A cat’s success while hunting directly effects his or her self esteem. This is because the hunting instinct is a basic instinct that never leaves them and is fundamental to their nature.
CatTamboo™ cat toys are straight up fun for everyone! The energy in the room when cats and people are interacting with CatTamboo is explosive and fun; cute and cuddly and just straight up creates happiness.
Personality and Intelligence
Other resources on cats skip over the important facts about cat behavior. Wikipedia for example states that “one poorly understood element of cat hunting behavior is the presentation of prey to human owners”. In our opinion, this is not poorly understood at all. Most cat owners know that cats bring their owners gifts out of love. Cats are hunters. They patiently hunt and then bring us the prize!
Cats love people! They love sharing! They love you, they love life, they often love each other, and the love hunting! Cats are intelligent creatures that possess unique many of the empathetic qualities that differentiate human beings from other animals. This is because cats are intelligent and they absorb these qualities from humans. Other animals do it also, but cats do it uniquely well.
Cats teach people in the same way that nature teaches us. They have this ability because they are tuned into nature.
When you observe cats, you quickly learn that they are fully aware, connected, and attentive to the world around them. I was observing a coyote at Yellowstone park on day. I walked the river with him and observed. The intense focus in him was a sight! Cats get the same way. Their minds aren’t muddied up with distractions. Instead they are more connected and aware. When humans connect with their lives in the same way, it is a deeply spiritual and meaningful life indeed!
I’ve seen every kind of personality in cats and the simple reality is that each cat is unique like people are unique, but some cats (like in people) are simply blessed with personality and charm. Cuteness, beauty, and adoring attention make those unique personalities.
For instance, meet Sockington cat on twitter! He has nearly 1.5 million followers on twitter. Pure personality and cuteness has made this cat a star. Sockington does nothing much beyond tweeting about his everyday treks to the litter box, eating, sleeping, and doing what cats do. Peoples personalities get caught up quickly. We also have active imaginations! Think also about the digital pets fad. People who can’t have pets because they live in apartments etc will enjoy following twitter feeds from a cat because it satisfies part of a need. Children do the same with digital pets. Digital pets are really virtual pets that you interact with in different ways. In many ways all they do is waste your time, but people love them anyway because it is a part of their personalities.
Cats PLAY : Wikipedia style.
Domestic cats love to play. The play behavior mimics hunting and teaches felines to stalk, capture, and kill prey.Cats also like to play fight with each other and with their humans.
Due to the similarity between hunting and play, cats prefer playing with objects that resemble their prey, such as CatTamboo™ cat toys. Wikipedia notes that cats rapidly lose (and become habituated) in a toy they have played with before – however, this is only observed in toys that do a poor job of imitating real prey. Wikipedia also states that cats tend to play with toys more when they are hungry.[2] String is used a lot as toys, but if it is eaten, string can get caught at the base of the cat’s tongue and then move into the intestines which is a medical emergency that can cause death.[1] Owing to the risks involved with cats eating strings or choking themselves with them, we recommend a avoiding string toys. CatTamboo™ cat toys are string-less and safe.
Eye expert challenges laser pen ‘danger’ BBC News 24 November 1997
Hall, Sarah L. (1998-06). “The influence of hunger on object play by adult domestic cats”. Applied Animal Behavior Science58 (1–2): 143–150.