A Philosophy on Cats and Women

cats and women

Are cats like women?

Cats and Women

Since I’m a man, this topic is one where the opinions of females (both cat and human) would greatly benefit the discussion.  However, having lived much of my life with both, I think it a valid topic from a man’s point of view.

I think some similarities between cats and women apply.  Like women, cat’s are gentle and adoring, but once offended, they quickly become distant, even timid.  If your feline feels trapped after some time, she will likely get aggressive and since you are the one that has made her put up a fight, you become the target.

Cats and women are also independent.  Sometimes, they will do their bidding regardless of  your desires and often exactly despite them.  This is why men should keep their mouths shut more often than not. In reality, your cats and women desperately need you and want you. Your cats and women require the basic comforts and steady love that you provide.

A man might take example from the male lion.  He can sit around with his bad self, eat, maybe even roar up a storm now and then, but for the most part just be content with doing nothing- for he is the king.  Let the females bring in the food and manage social affairs while he focuses on keeping them (and himself) happy and guarding the territory. This is essentially what many men do in married life, and it works!

Granted the life of a human is a bit more complicated than that, but the primary roles apply.  Females are polarized to a strong male.  They have so much emotion and activity going on in their own world of perception that men must (by nature) trust their own place in a woman’s world and be less emotional and more in tune with their basic needs.  For a women, emotions are their world. Once you realize it is their world, the rest is a simple matter of knowing your place in it.

So back to cats.  It is their world too and anything you do to offend or neglect them “hurts” them and they will react with some form of timidity.  A good relationship here to remember the pride of a lion.  The lionesses rule the pride from a social angle.  Pride, social perception, and status is part of a females basic nature.  Males provide certain aspects, but as humans we often cross the threshold which is a fine balance of holding your tongue and knowing the right things to say. When you “hurt” them by ignoring them, saying something harsh, offending them, taking opposing views, challenging them, forcing issues, crossing boundaries, identifying problems, or solving problems in a way that identifies a problem exists: they will take it personally and often hide it pridefully or maybe even attack you for noticing. In truth, their self image is complex and needs to be reinforced in positive ways. All of these challenges lead to one answer for men. Do more lazy lounging, eating, and f**ck**g.

Does the male lion jump in on a cat fight between the lionesses or does he hang back a observe with great interest?  He is wise not to get in the middle.  For him to get involved would suggest to both females that they are wrong and make himself the center of attack.  The wise lion king recognizes that the fight among themselves is good.  Later, they will be angry with him because he won’t take sides, but he will remind them of why he is king and they will feel better because they are safe and loved by him.   Add a little humor, play, and other techniques for distracting your cats and women, and you are guaranteed to re-spark that gentle and adoring nature that you love so much.

Cat toy product comparison

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Cat Toy Product Comparison by CatTamboo™ Pet Toys

cat toy product comparisonCatTamboo cat toys are physically twice as long as the cat wand and pet fishing toys. It is true that most cats will play with anything, but most people will not! We designed CatTamboo™ pet toys for you to give you something you will enjoy teasing your cat with.

This pet toy is made to be fun for pets and people!

This is why our teaser toys are the best cat toys.  CatTamboo™ pet toys are not available at many large outlet stores. The best place to get them is online! We do have CatTamboo cat toys in some brick and mortar pet stores and we continue to expand the availability of our cat toys.
There are some similar products to CatTamboo available in Petsmart and Petco stores across the country.  The most similar pet product is called a Cat Dancer and is basically a 3 ft piece of wire with a cardboard tip on the end.  The Cat Dancer might be one of the most popular cat toys out there. Da Bird interactive cat toys are the other competitor that has taken a large piece of the cat toy market.  Their interactive cat toy is a string and feather tied to a fiberglass rod. If you use these cat toys, please be careful with the ends of the rods. It is all fun and game until someone gets an eye poked out!

The difference in experience between these two leading cat toys products and CatTamboo™ interactive cat toys is night and day! Our pet toys are actually 100% unique in comparison.

I guess you have to pick them up or compare them to see the real difference.

Interactive Cat toy comparison: Are they all the same?

Are all interactive cat toys the same? It may seems like a waste of energy to make an interactive cat toy comparison, but the reason we pose the question is because many people do feel that they are all basically the same thing. I recently heard the argument from a well known cat therapist that cats will play with almost anything.  The point being made was that CatTamboo® pet toys, though clearly better than other pet toys, aren’t necessary that revolutionary because a cat will play with anything. The catch is that many people will not play with just anything! Neither will older or less playful cats! And, most cat owners want the best for their pets.

Interactive Cat Toy Comparison or Discussion

There is a reason why most cat therapists aren’t pet product developers, but this therapist that felt that all interactive cat toys are the same does represent some percentage of people who own cats and love their cats.  

From the view of a product developer, The Consumer is King.

Consumers consistently demand better, more innovative products. We use natural material to make our premium hand-crafted Tamboo® rods that achieve a more perfect, balanced flight performance.

Consumers have been hosed because the ever expanding junkyard of completely uninteresting cat toys.

The manufacturers of most short wand type cat toys are from China and only care about feeding the consumer with more junk for profit.

CatTamboo® pet toys are American made by Americans that love pets and people.  We bring innovation and excellence to pet product consumers.

These pet toys are a spark of invention that ignited the fires of innovative product development that is continually ongoing.  The fuel for this innovation was passion for pets and people.

It is challenging to produce a pet product that meets the wants and demands of consumers. CatTamboo® pet products have been through many peaks and valleys to arrive where they are today.

I don’t believe that cats will play with almost any toy.  But I do think that most cats, regardless of age, will play with CatTamboo pet toys.  I also know that most people will not play for long with their cats if the cat toy is short and awkward to use. But once they experience the fun of a CatTamboo, they might be more willing to form a new play routine with their cat(s).

The amount of appreciation that consumers have given for introducing CatTamboo pet toys has been fantastic.  The proof is plain to see.  Americans appreciated new pet product innovations.  They also want pet products from companies that have the consumer’s best interests in mind.

At CatTamboo, we view every pet product consumer as our P and P (pet and people) customer.  It is our passion to bring these pet toys into every P and P household to share the joy that the experience of what Doing the CatTamboo can bring!
interactive cat toy comparison
Please feel free to make your own interactive cat toy comparison in the comment section below.

Cat Leash Laws

cat leash laws
Cat leash laws are being passed in many cities throughout the nation and some regions have declared open season on feral cats or even banned cats altogether.
They say feral cats have never been that big of a problem in Montana because they become prey of larger wild animals such as coyote, fox, and birds of prey. CatTamboo donates to feral cat projects over in Florida,  but we have discovered that the same issues exist here in Montana as they do elsewhere.

Cat leash law advocates offer argue on two basic points: What goes into one end of a cat and what comes out the other.

First, cats cannot be fenced so they make it their business to do their business wherever they like. sandboxes and flowerbeds being favorite places.

Secondly, what goes into a cat is all too often wearing feathers. They say roughly 20,000 cats in Billings Montana kill an average of five birds apiece. That’s 100,000 birds each year, mostly sparrows.

As a company, CatTamboo™ Pet Toys donates regularly to causes that benefit cats.  Though we are not advocates against cat leash laws, we really don’t agree with such laws.  We should be getting back to balance with nature, not the other way around.  The reason for this is simple respect for natural laws.

In nature, cats exist in balance and harmony.  When cats are taken in as pets they can choose to become inside only cats, but some never will, especially those that are already outdoor cats.  It is like giving someone their freedom and then taking it away.  By standards of the Golden Rule and Compassion, it seems to border on cruelty to force outdoor cats into inside confinement. We hope that law enforcement keeps this in mind when considering enforcing leash laws on cats.

These laws may be creating a bigger problem not yet fully realized by most people.  When you force a cat out of its natural habitat, behavioral issues are likely to follow.  Many people live such busy lifestyles that cats can feel neglected and fall into unhealthy patterns of habit and boredom.  I think most inside cats experience this to some degree.

At CatTamboo, our hearts and hands go out to our feline friends!  We feel strongly that our toys will help many people face the challenges being thrust upon them and our feline pets.  How?  What CatTamboo pet toys do well is connect or reconnect cats with people and their innate hunting instincts by bringing part of a cats world into your house.  Our toys do such a good job of imitating real birds and insects that cats can have the experience of a playful hunt from within the confinements of the indoors.  They can share this experience with you!  And they will love you for it.

CatTamboo™ pet toys were designed with careful consideration of human nature in mind.  People are unlikely to spend much time playing with their cats if the cat toys they have are only fun for the cat.  People need to have fun with the pet toy also.

CatTamboo pet toys are challenging and fun.  Similar to the action of a fly rod or whip, each cat toy has a unique action.  The continuity from handle to tip provides the operator with an unique ability to make the wing-like feather arrangement (called a Cat Fly) dive, dart, flutter, twist, and fly through the air with random precision.  The length is also quite nice.  Our cat toys average over 6 feet in length.  This makes it easy to kick back on the coach and run the cat around the coffee table with little effort.

Our independent studies have shown that CatTamboo cat toys effectively reconnect cat with their innate hunting instincts while improving their relationships with their owner(s).  This is a powerful antidote when facing behavioral complexes and timidity that results from neglect and other factors such as being cooped up in a house against their will all day every day due to inhumane leash laws.

We have toys distributed for cat behavioral experts to collect more evidence and data on ways CatTamboo toys benefit cats.  Some have decided not to endorse our pet products, but they all agree that cats love CatTamboo pet toys. As this site develops, we will strive to continue connecting our customers and visitors with the resources they need to help their cats.

As new challenges knock, we will answer with American ingenuity and compassion.  This is our commitment to each and every one of our P&P (pet and people) clients.