EcoStar Award Winner
We qualified as an Eco Star Award Winner in Billings, MT. During that time we meet at the Capital building in Helena Montana. It was impressive to learn about all of the Montana businesses that are making positive changes to help the environment.
CatTamboo was honored to receive the 2010 EcoStar Award in Helena MT. It was a powerful feeling to gather together in the beautiful Capitol Rotunda in Helena Montana. Governor Brian Schweitzer was there along with a large group of amazing people who all care deeply about the environment!
The people who attended are movers and shakers in our community. They make up a dedicated few who joyously make sacrifices for more conscious living. Their message is very clear:
If we show the way, others will follow. If we provide the means, others will apply them.
We feel very honored and humble to be included. Some attendees have won the award for consecutive years for their efforts to save the planet and they have some amazing, inspiring numbers to prove it!
The idea of a greener planet and our love for pets and the environment inspired everything surrounding CatTamboo as a business and product.
We are happy to share this little piece of news with you! It was a fun event to attend and I highly recommend any small business to consider ways they can qualify for this award.
You can also visit our other Green pet product pages included within this website to learn more about how you can also become a Green Business and as a consumer, support Green Businesses.
Here is a picture from the event where they announced each business as an Ecostar Award winner. The boy in this picture is an entrepreneur who is saving the environment in dozens of ways. He is hugely successful already….with the help of his family. I wish I knew more of his story! You can also see our display of eco friendly pet toys in the picture.

This is a picture of the write up that EcoStar Montana did for our pet supply business:
We all stood on the grand staircase there in the Capitol Rotunda in Helena with the governor in the middle and got our pictures taken. I don’t have it right now to share.
It was fun having our display there at the EcoStar Award Ceremony in Helena Montana! We were excited to have some customers attending the event! They happily left with some new CatTamboo pet toys 🙂 We also sold the display full of our eco friendly pet toys before leaving the building.
CatTamboo® Pet Toys are now available at GetN’Green in downtown Bozeman MT! Hopefully someday our eco friendly pet toys will be available at retail locations across the entire globe.