Big Cat Toys for Aggressive Cats

big cat toys

We make big cat toys are for aggressive cats that need something a little more specialized! The makers of CatTamboo® Pet Toys offers people a choice to order cat toys that are bigger than usual. Tamboo Flyers come in multiple sizes, from smaller 3-4ft rods to super long 7ft rods. However, cat toys over 6 feet long are big cat toys for sure and we have made them available for you to purchase through our online pet store.

CatTamboo® Big Cat Toys

CatTamboo interactive cat toys are BIG by design. Compared to other similar cat toys on the market, CatTamboo teaser toys are over twice as long as other cat toys. If you have a normal sized cat, then you will do fine with a normal sized Tamboo Flyer but really that hold true for most pet cats. In fact, we have customers that have Savannah cats and they order the premium Tamboo Flyers in medium action with either turkey or goose feathers.

Big Cat toys that are specifically designed for big cats.

Actually, a light action Tamboo Flyer is big, a medium action Tamboo Flyer is bigger, and our special order Tamboo Flyers are the biggest!

Our biggest cat toys are a special order pet product. They cost more to ship the over-sized package.

What do we mean by Big cat toys?

We are able to produce big cat toys that are over 7 feet long with huge feathers. These special order cat toys are a little more money, but are well worth it if you have the space in your home. Options for our big cat toys include choosing the type of feathers and the colors.

While our regular cat toys typically arrive rolled in a recycled pizza box, the big cat toys need to be shipped in a straight cardboard tube. Shipping is usually done via USPS and is automatically insured for the full value of the items purchased. If you receive damaged merchandise, then take a picture of the damage so we can file a claim and send you the necessary replacements.

2 Replies to “Big Cat Toys for Aggressive Cats”

  1. Yes, I like that your toys are bigger. I have a Savannah and wand of feathers is destoyed within a few days.
    Are your toys/wands extra STURDY to withstand serious playtime?

  2. We have 2 6 year active F3 Savannahs each weighing close to 15 pounds and I’d lvoe to find some sturdy interactive cat toys.
    What do you have to offer?

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