A vegan Cat toy by CatTamboo® is a durable teaser toy for cats and small dogs! The vegan cat toy is perfect for cats that like mice and customers that prefer to avoid pet toys made with bird feathers. We love our Mother earth and her creatures. Even the feathers that we use are reclaimed from the hunting industry that would otherwise waste them. We most certainly do not support what they do, but instead strive to reduce the waste and do the right thing. We believe in being resourceful and bringing joy to cats and people.
This Vegan cat toy is designed to be durable, safe, and fun for all small pets. Durable enough for small dogs and puppies, these unique wand style teaser toys use raffia grass to create an enticing object to chase. The vegan cat toy by CatTamboo® is made almost entirely from organic, natural materials. Try one today and see why pets and their people are having a blast Doing the CatTamboo!


The Vegan cat toy is a Tamboo Flyer™ by CatTamboo®. It is a type of interactive cat toy that is made with an all natural, tapered rod and all natural raffia grass. The vegan cat toy is 95% organic and compostable! The vegan cat toy is the most earth friendly interactive pet toy available. Each vegan cat toy is tuned for optimal flight performance. Our vegan pet toys are very attractive to cats, ferrets, and small dogs. They are a popular seller, so purchase your new vegan cat toy today!